- 16 SeptemberFrom symptoms to strengths: A new clinically informed tool for measuring wellness in depression
- 25 AugustPredictors of engagement with between-session work
- 18 JulyAn initial test of a new self-guided internet-based intervention for social anxiety: iExposure
- 18 JulyImpact of three variants of prolonged exposure therapy on comorbid diagnoses in patients with childhood abuse-related PTSDT
- 9 FebruaryA randomised controlled evaluation of an online perfectionism intervention for people with disordered eating – how perfect does it need to be?
- 27 DecemberMediators during a multimodal intervention for stress-induced exhaustion disorder
- 6 NovemberThe relationships between perfectionism and symptoms of depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- 23 OctoberThe effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy in chronic neck pain: A systematic review with meta-analysis
- 17 OctoberSpecial issue: CBT training, supervision and implementation
- 16 OctoberReducing safety behaviors to prevent anxious symptoms: A pre-registered prevention intervention study
- 23 August50th anniversary and new impact factor
- 4 JuneThe 10th World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies
- 30 MayAssociations between perfectionism and symptoms of anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression in young people: A meta-analysis
- 28 FebruaryWorking it out: Can an acute exercise bout alleviate memory bias, rumination and negative mood?
- 21 FebruaryManagement of Emotional Distress following a Myocardial Infarction: A Qualitative Content Analysis
- 30 JanuaryPerceived Interpersonal Competence as a Predictor of Clinical Outcomes in a Randomized Controlled Trial for Social Anxiety and Employment
- 16 JanuaryPsychometric Evaluation of the Swedish Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI)
- 29 NovemberEffects of DBT-based Interventions on Alexithymia: A Systematic Review
- 19 NovemberCognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia (CBTi) as a treatment for tinnitus-related insomnia: A randomised controlled trial
- 27 MarchA warm welcome to our new editors
- 8 FebruaryVery Long-Term Outcome of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: One- and Ten-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial
- 19 AugustIntegrating Virtual Realities and Psychotherapy: SWOT Analysis on VR and MR Based Treatments of Anxiety and Stress-Related Disorders
- 7 AugustThe Efficacy of Randomised Controlled Trials of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Perfectionism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- 1 AugustTherapist-Guided Online Metacognitive Intervention for Excessive Worry: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Mediation Analysis
- 16 JulyThe Impact of Internet-Based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Perfectionism on Different Measures of Perfectionism: A Randomised Controlled Trial
- 15 AprilCan you see what I see? A comparison of client and observer perspectives of the alliance and group cohesion in CBT
- 9 AprilInsomnia during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of depression and COVID-19-related risk factors
- 8 AprilCOVID-related fear maintains controlling parenting behaviors during the pandemic
- 26 FebruaryThe role of fear of COVID-19 in motivation to quit smoking and reductions in cigarette smoking: a preliminary investigation of at-risk cigarette smokers
- 19 FebruaryExploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of first responders
- 19 FebruaryAnxiety Sensitivity, COVID-19 Fear, and Mental Health: Results From a United States Population Sample
- 16 FebruaryCOVID-19 Psychological Factors Associated with Pain Status, Pain Intensity, and Pain-related Interference
- 10 FebruaryGetting down to business: an examination of occupational outcomes in cognitive behavioral therapy for depression
- 4 FebruaryDifficulties with emotion regulation and drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic among undergraduates: the serial mediation of COVID-related distress and drinking to cope with the pandemic
- 3 FebruaryWorry about COVID-19 in relation to cognitive-affective smoking processes among daily adult combustible cigarette smokers
- 27 JanuaryDisgust sensitivity mediates the link between homophobia and sexual orientation obsessive-compulsive symptoms
- 23 JanuaryAre we on the same page? A comparison of patients’ and clinicians’ opinions about the importance of CBT techniques
- 15 JanuaryEvaluating the effects of guided coaching calls on engagement and outcomes for online acceptance and commitment therapy
- 15 JanuaryAnxiety, depression, and health anxiety in undergraduate students living in initial US outbreak “hotspot” during COVID-19 pandemic
- 18 DecemberPersonal practice in counselling and CBT trainees: The self-perceived impact of personal therapy and self-practice/self-reflection on personal and professional development
- 23 NovemberUnderstanding Hazardous Drinking and Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Risk among College Students: Anxiety Sensitivity as an Explanatory Factor
- 6 NovemberLearning gains from a one-day training in acceptance-based behavior therapy
- 1 NovemberEfficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapy interventions on reducing burden for caregivers of older adults with a neurocognitive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- 30 OctoberThe benefits of a longer course of cognitive behavioral therapy for some patients with social anxiety disorder
- 30 OctoberThe moderating effect of age on the associations of cognitive and metacognitive beliefs with pediatric OCD symptoms
- 7 OctoberObjective Analysis of Language Use in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Associations with Symptom Change in Adults with Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders and Posttraumatic Stress
- 22 SeptemberPredictors of relapse and recurrence following cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety-related disorders: A systematic review
- 6 SeptemberVirtual Reality exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety in routine care: a single-subject effectiveness trial
- 30 JulyOne Factor? Two Factor? Bi-Factor? A psychometric evaluation of the Frost Multidimensional Scale and the Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire
- 9 JulyThe Dose-Response Curve in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
- 1 JulyInternet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for depression and anxiety among Arabic-speaking individuals in Sweden: a pilot randomized controlled trial
- 30 JuneA randomized controlled pilot study evaluating Worry Less, Live More: The Mindful Way Through Anxiety Workbook
- 19 JuneAge and pre quit-day attrition during smoking cessation treatment
- 30 AprilObsessive-compulsive symptoms and cigarette smoking: An initial cross-sectional test of mechanisms of co-occurrence
- 27 MarchClinical supervision in Cognitive Behavior Therapy improves therapists’ competence: A single-case experimental pilot study
- 5 MarchA pragmatic approach to measuring adherence in treatment delivery in psychotherapy
- 3 FebruarySmoking and social anxiety: The role of false safety behaviors
- 13 JanuaryMarketing CBT: Considering the value of drawing on the research evidence
- 1 NovemberGuided self-help CBT, for whom is it effective?
- 17 OctoberA Systematic Review of Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Alcohol Misuse: Study Characteristics, Program Content and Outcomes
- 26 SeptemberEvaluation of The Practitioner Online Referral and Treatment Service (PORTS): The first 18 months of a state-wide digital service for adults with anxiety, depression, or substance use problems
- 28 AugustEfficacy evaluation of exercise as an augmentation strategy to brief behavioral activation treatment for depression: A randomized pilot trial
- 21 AugustAn expert consensus on the most effective components of cognitive behavioural therapy for adults with depression: A modified Delphi study
- 29 JulyInternet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for panic disorder with or without agoraphobia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- 16 JulyTrajectory of change in anxiety sensitivity in relation to anxiety, depression, and quality of life among persons living with HIV/AIDS following transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral therapy
- 5 JulyExperiential avoidance in adolescents with borderline personality disorder: Comparison with a non-BPD psychiatric group and healthy controls
- 3 JulyAssessing Treatment Integrity in Personalized CBT: The Inventory of Therapeutic Interventions and Skills
- 18 JuneA systematic review and meta-analysis of dropout rates from dialectical behavior therapy in randomized controlled trials
- 5 JuneThe development and validation of the Beliefs About Losing Control Inventory (BALCI)
- 6 AprilAnxiety Sensitivity and Daily Cigarette Smoking in Relation to Sleep Disturbances in Treatment-Seeking Smokers
- 22 MarchPsychometric properties of the Insomnia Catastrophizing Scale (ICS) in a large community sample
- 19 MarchPredictors of treatment attendance and adherence to treatment recommendations among individuals receiving Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
- 27 FebruaryThe effects of safety behavior availability versus utilization on inhibitory learning during exposure
- 27 FebruaryEmotion regulation and motives for illicit drug use in opioid-dependent patients
- 21 FebruaryMindfulness-based cognitive therapy for the treatment of current depressive symptoms: A meta-analysis
- 5 FebruaryWhy we should know more about dropout: Identifying change-dropout patterns can help to estimate treatment progress in internet interventions
- 20 DecemberMaterials used to support cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: A survey of therapists’ clinical practice and views
- 19 DecemberWeb-Based CBT for the Prevention of Anxiety Symptoms among Medical and Health Science Graduate Students
- 12 DecemberTask-Shifting to Improve the Reach of Mental Health Interventions for Trauma Patients: Findings from a Pilot Study of Trauma Nurse Training in Patient-Centered Activity Scheduling for PTSD and Depression
- 12 DecemberDose response effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy in a school mental health program
- 4 DecemberTherapist rated alliance can predict outcome in blended Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for depression
- 26 NovemberBetter with Age? A Comparison of Geriatric and Non-Geriatric Trauma Patients’ Psychological Outcomes Six Months Post-Injury
- 20 OctoberCognitive processing therapy for PTSD works well! A meta-analysis of RCTs in adult patients
- 15 OctoberInside the Black Box: What Accounts for Improvement in Internet-Delivered CBT for Maternal Depression
- 12 OctoberMeta-analysis of the effects of third-wave behavioural interventions on disordered eating and body image concerns
- 7 OctoberPredictors of Improvement in an Open Trial Multi-Site Evaluation of Emotion Regulation Group Therapy
- 7 OctoberComparing cognitive fusion and cognitive reappraisal as predictors of college student mental health
- 7 OctoberThe Predictive Capacity of Self-Reported Motivation vs. Early Observed Motivational Language in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- 16 SeptemberExposure-based cognitive behavior therapy for atopic dermatitis: an open trial
- 31 AugustAnxiety sensitivity and attentional bias to threat interact to prospectively predict anxiety
- 30 AugustCan the REBT theory explain loneliness? Theoretical and clinical applications
- 27 AugustPhone coaching in Dialectical Behavior Therapy: frequency and relationship to client variables
- 24 AugustComparing in-the-moment skill coaching effects from tailored versus non-tailored Acceptance and Commitment Therapy mobile apps in a non-clinical sample
- 23 AugustExecutive Attention Moderates the Effect of Trait Anxiety on Hyperarousal Symptoms
- 8 AugustRelationships between health behaviours, posttraumatic stress disorder, and comorbid general anxiety and depression
- 6 August“Phobie à deux” and other reasons why clinicians do not apply exposure with response prevention in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
- 3 AugustEmotional Distress and Tobacco Demand during the Menstrual Cycle in Female Smokers
- 19 JulySocial Support, Negative Social Exchange, and Response to Case Formulation Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy
- 17 JulyEfficacy of brief guided self-help cognitive behavioral treatment for perfectionism in reducing perinatal depression and anxiety: A randomized controlled trial
- 27 JuneInteractive Effects of Cumulative Lifetime Traumatic Brain Injuries and Combat Exposure on Posttraumatic Stress among Deployed Military Personnel
- 26 JuneA Longitudinal Assessment of the Road to Mental Readiness Training Among Municipal Police
- 25 JuneInfluence of adjuvant Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) on symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in veterans – results from a randomized control study
- 21 JuneDifferences in baseline and process variables between non-responders and responders in Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic tinnitus
- 20 JuneDo eating disorder voice characteristics predict treatment outcomes in anorexia nervosa? A pilot study.
- 19 JuneIncreasing Intolerance of Uncertainty Over Time: The Potential Influence of Increasing Connectivity
- 3 JuneAnxiety sensitivity cognitive concerns drives the relation between anxiety sensitivity and symptoms of depression
- 24 MayInsomnia and Eating Expectancies among College Students: The Role of Emotion Dysregulation
- 17 MayBrief report: Sudden gains in Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy and Group Psychotherapy for Social Anxiety Disorder among College Students
- 11 MayMeta-Analysis of the Efficacy and Acceptability of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Arab Adult Populations Experiencing Anxiety, Depression or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- 1 MayDevelopment and evaluation of a scale assessing therapist fidelity to guidelines for delivering therapist-assisted Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy
- 8 MarchIdentifying the role of sociodemographic factors in major depressive disorder and suicidality among Spanish-speaking Latino patients in a federally qualified health center
- 28 FebruaryThe role of personal practice in therapist skill development: A model to guide therapists, educators, supervisors and researchers
- 27 FebruaryPain-related anxiety and opioid misuse in a racially/ethnically diverse young adult sample with moderate/severe pain
- 19 FebruaryAugmenting treatment efficiency in exposure therapy for PTSD: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial of yohimbine HCl
- 1 FebruaryMeta-analysis of the effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy on the core eating disorder maintaining mechanisms: Implications for mechanisms of therapeutic change
- 21 JanuaryWho benefits from psychotherapies for adult depression? A meta-analytic update of the evidence
- 21 JanuaryLinguistic Analysis of Patients with Mood and Anxiety Disorders During Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- 22 DecemberA New Look at the Schema Therapy Model: Organization and Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas
- 10 NovemberStrategies Included in Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Programs to Treat Internalized Disorders: a Systematic Review
- 7 NovemberIndividually tailored internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with anxiety and depression: a randomised controlled trial
- 28 SeptemberAdherence predictors in an Internet-based Intervention program for depression
- 21 SeptemberThe Effects of Clinical Supervision on Supervisees and Patients in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Systematic Review
- 13 SeptemberInternet-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Psychological Distress Experienced by People with Hearing Problems: a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
- 28 AugustIncreased skills usage statistically mediates symptom reduction in self-guided internet-delivered cognitive–behavioural therapy for depression and anxiety: a randomised controlled trial
- 25 AugustPositive Memory Enhancement Training for Individuals with Major Depressive Disorder
- 11 AugustA transdiagnostic examination of decreased intolerance of uncertainty and treatment outcome
- 9 AugustAnxiety sensitivity moderates the painful effects of feeling burdensome to others
- 9 AugustAdvancing cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with comorbid insomnia and depression
- 31 JulyA Topographical Map Approach to Representing Treatment Efficacy: A Focus on Positive Psychology Interventions
- 24 JulyLinking attentional control and PTSD symptom severity: the role of rumination
- 24 JulySecondary traumatic stress in emergency medicine clinicians
- 19 JulyCreating state of the art, next-generation Virtual Reality exposure therapies for anxiety disorders using consumer hardware platforms: design considerations and future directions
- 19 JulyTherapeutic response to Cognitive Processing Therapy in White and Black female veterans with military sexual trauma-related PTSD
- 18 JulyEfficacy of guided self-help behavioural activation and physical activity for depression: a randomized controlled trial
- 12 JulyAssociation Splitting of the Sexual Orientation-OCD-Relevant Semantic Network
- 27 JuneThe latent structure of social anxiety disorder and the performance only specifier: a taxometric analysis
- 26 JuneThe interaction of distress tolerance and intolerance of uncertainty in the prediction of symptom reduction across CBT for social anxiety disorder
- 19 JuneCognitive behavioural therapy for suicidal ideation and behavior. Face to face and e-health treatments
- 15 JuneCBT:s new impact factor for 2017 (spoiler: it increased!)
- 13 JuneCognitive behavioral therapy in practice: therapist perceptions of techniques, outcome measures, practitioner qualifications, and relation to research
- 10 JuneA measure of perceived pain and tobacco smoking interrelations: pilot validation of the pain and smoking inventory
- 10 JuneAre we certain about which measure of intolerance of uncertainty to use yet?
- 10 JuneSwedish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SAAQ): a psychometric evaluation
- 10 JuneFactor solutions of the Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) in a Swedish population
- 10 JuneIntrusive thoughts in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder and non-clinical participants: a comparison using the International Intrusive Thought Interview Schedule
- 10 JuneEffect of treatments for depression on quality of life: a meta-analysis
- 10 JuneAcceptability of a brief computerized intervention targeting anxiety sensitivity
- 10 JuneThe influence of the menstrual cycle on reactivity to a CO2 challenge among women with and without premenstrual symptoms
- 10 JuneCognitive risk factors explain the relations between neuroticism and social anxiety for males and females
- 10 JuneExamining the specific dimensions of distress tolerance that prospectively predict perceived stress
- 10 JuneRational emotive behaviour therapy in high schools to educate in mental health and empower youth health. A randomized controlled study of a brief intervention
- 10 JuneOvercoming procrastination: one-year follow-up and predictors of change in a randomized controlled trial of Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy
- 10 JuneBook Review: Inside this moment: a clinician’s guide to promoting radical change using acceptance and commitment therapy
- 10 JuneAssociations between lower order anxiety sensitivity dimensions and DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms
- 9 JuneWhat’s in a name? Intolerance of uncertainty, other uncertainty-relevant constructs, and their differential relations to worry and generalized anxiety disorder
- 9 JuneViolent obsessions are associated with suicidality in an OCD analog sample of college students
- 9 JuneEmotion regulation strategies in daily life: mindfulness, cognitive reappraisal and emotion suppression
- 9 JuneGroup acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for bipolar disorder and co-existing anxiety – an open pilot study
- 8 JuneImpact of imagery rescripting on adverse self-defining memories and post-recall working selves in a non-clinical sample: a pilot study
- 8 JuneFocus-of-attention behavioral experiment: an examination of a therapeutic procedure to reduce social anxiety
- 8 JuneOnline attention modification for social anxiety disorder: replication of a randomized controlled trial
- 8 JuneTransdiagnostic group CBT for anxiety disorders: the unified protocol in mental health services
- 8 JuneInternet-delivered transdiagnostic and tailored cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials