Every psychotherapeutic process consists of two main protagonists: The therapist and the patient/s. There is often a misconception that this should be a hierarchical relationship, where the therapist’s command ought to be followed by the patient. However, this dynamic should in fact be one of equals, where both the therapist …
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Evaluating the effects of guided coaching calls on engagement and outcomes for online acceptance and commitment therapy
Online self-help interventions, in which individuals learn psychological skills on their own to address mental health concerns, are effective and can have broad reach. However, people also regularly struggle with adhering to these programs when using them on their own. Initial research was fairly clear in suggesting that receiving additional …
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Millions of college and university students in the United States have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with wide-spread closure of campuses and displacement of students. Though necessary to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus and protect students and staff, the closure of campuses resulted in the sudden loss …
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